Sunday, June 7, 2009

Olympic Day

Fall 2004 - Field Day

Olympic Day Program

Parade of Athletes (8:40)

Declaration of Opening of Games (9:00)

Entry of Olympic Flag—Olympic Anthem

Entry of Olympic Flame—Lighting of Cauldron

Olympic Oath

"In the name of all competitors, I promise that we shall take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules that govern them, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honor of our teams."

Let the games begin—Report to your first station (9:20)

Basketball (1/2 gym)
Description: Group will be divided into 6 groups and sit in front of their number on the wall. One person at a time will dribble the ball to the goal closest to the groups and shoot. If they make it they get 3 letters. If they hit the rim or back board they get two letters. If they miss they get 1 letter. Once you shoot get you letters from the station leader and dribble the ball back to your group and pass the ball off to the next person.

Gold Medal: Top two teams with the most letters
Silver Medal: Third and Fourth Place team with the most letters
Bronze Medal: Fifth and Sixth Place team with the most letters

Swimming (1/2 gym) (scooters)
Description: Three students at a time compete against each other for the gold, bronze and silver. Three students at a time will line up at the start line. On the signal they will swim on their stomachs down and around their cone and back to the start line which is now the finish line. The student that finished 1st gets the gold, 2nd is silver and 3rd is bronze. Once all students have gone you can let the gold medals race against each other etc. Or you can have races sitting on your bottom.

Gold Medal: First person who finishes
Silver Medal: Second person who finishes
Bronze Medal: Third person who finishes

Standing Long Jump/Water Station (Outside near vents)
Description: One student at a time jumps to see how far they can jump on the standing long jump mat. The color star they get depends on how far they jump. A Water table will also be set up at this station for those that want water. You could also send a couple at a time to the restroom.

Gold Medal: Heels land behind the first line
Silver Medal: Heels land between the first and second line
Bronze Medal: Heels land past the second line

Javelin Throw (in front of cafeteria windows)
Description: 6 students at time will throw their javelin. According to where the javelin lands will determine the medal they will receive. Each student will get three chances. Their best throw will be the medal they earn.

Gold Medal: Javelin tip lands past the second line
Silver Medal: Javelin tip lands between the first and second line
Bronze Medal: Javelin tip lands behind the first line

Olympic Torch Relay (In center of bus lot)
Description: Three teams of 4 will compete against each other. Each team member will be spaced out around a circular area at the start, ¼, ½, and ¾ ways around the course. The team that complete the relay first by having the 4th leg cross the finish line will earn the gold medal, etc.

Gold Medal: First team to finish
Silver Medal: Second team to finish
Bronze Medal: Third team to finish

Sidewalk Chalk (On sidewalk)
Description: Olympic themed drawings. Students that participate and follow directions at this station will receive a sticker.

Participation Medal: All students who follow directions and draw a picture related to the Olympics.

Tug of War (Grassy Area Near Dumpster)
Description: Class is divided into three teams. These three compete against each other for Gold, Silver, Bronze. The winning game of the three way tug of war wins gold. The other two teams play tug of war on a regular rope for the silver medal. The loser of the play off game for silver receives the bronze. If time permits let the Gold Medal Winner compete against the Silver Medal Team on the regular rope.

Gold Medal: Winner of three-way tug of war
Silver Medal: Winner of the other two teams on a regular rope
Bronze Medal: Loser of the other two teams on a regular rope

Cross Country Race (Mileage Club Course Around Playground)
Description: Student will have 10 minutes to complete as many laps as possible. Students will receive the appropriate mark for the number of laps that they complete in 10 minutes.

Gold Medal: 5+ laps
Silver Medal: 3-4 laps
Bronze Medal: 2 or less laps

Playground/Icee Pop Station
Description: Students will have a chance to play on the playground and eat an ice pop. All students that follow directions will earn a participation mark on their passport.

Participation Medal: All students that play.

Equestrian Event (Horse Cross Country Racing)
Description: Six students at a time will carry the horse on a stick over obstacles to the finish line.

Gold Medal: First and Second students to cross the line
Silver Medal: Third and Fourth students to cross the line
Bronze Medal: Fifth and Sixth students to cross the line

Description: Students will get to experience ribbon sticks, ribbon rings and the balance beam.

Participation Medal: Students who follow directions and try their best at this station will receive a sticker.

Sprinting (50 and 100 yard dash)
Description: Three students at a time will sprint 100 yards from one cone to the other.

Gold Medal: First student to cross the finish line
Silver Medal: Second student to cross the finish line
Bronze Medal: Third student to cross the finish line

Gathering of Athletes in the Gym (1:40)

Take down the Olympic Flag (1:50)

Extinguish the Flame

Declaration of the Closing of the Games

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