Students in PE are given ample opportunities to practice, refine, and implement a variety of physical skills. Lessons are planned around individual, partner, small group, and whole group practice. It is rare that students are standing and waiting their turn in my PE program.
For example, one would not find the whole class playing a soccer or basketball game. Instead one would see students practicing skills and participating in mini game like activities that use skills related to soccer.
For non-sport related activities such as dance and jump rope students are taught the movements, skills, and patterns. Once student have has ample opportunities to explore the movements on their own they are guided through the process of creating and learning a routine. In the end students are expected to create their own routines based on their abilities.
Sample Video
During a Jump Band Unit students practiced a variety of skills. The video demonstrates the beginning stage of groups working together to create mini-routines.
Sample Lesson Plan
Physical Education Lesson Plans
Unit 0
August 2nd – August 17th, 2006
PK - Kindergarten
Unit 0
August 2nd – August 17th, 2006
PK - Kindergarten
Movement – Locomotor and Non Locomotor
PK – K
Day 1
QCC obj. and Essential Question: K:1,2,3,4,8,9 NS: 1
What are the expectations in PE and What do we learn about in PE?
Activating Strategy: Read ABC’s of PE Book
Cognitive Teaching Strategy: Create a movement for each letter of the alphabet from the book
Extending/Refining Activity: Put together the movement and the book/ABC’s
Summarizing Strategy: Ticket to Leave – Which letter and movement do you like the best?
Assignment or Assessment: Teacher observation of participation and answer.
Day 2
QCC obj. and Essential Question: K:1,2,3,4,8,9 NS: 1
How do you know you are in your personal space?
Activating Strategy: List/pictures of what it looks like to be in personal space.
Cognitive Teaching Strategy: Practice moving around your space and making the space smaller and larger.
Extending/Refining Activity: Hoop buggy, moving in your space and cooperation with another student.
Summarizing Strategy: Ticket to leave show me how you can stand in line in your personal space.
Assignment or Assessment: Teacher observation and lining up in PS.
Day 3
QCC obj. and Essential Question: K:1,2,3,4,8,9 NS: 1
What are the different ways that we can move out body?
Activating Strategy: Non – Locomotor skills list
Cognitive Teaching Strategy: practice the non locomotor movements pretending to be a variety of things.
Extending/Refining Activity: Pretend to be different things like a flower, baseball player…..
Summarizing Strategy: What is your favorite Nonlocomotor movement?
Assignment or Assessment: Participation and teacher observation.
Day 4
QCC obj. and Essential Question: K:1,2,3,4,8,9 NS: 1
What are the different ways we can move our body?
Activating Strategy: Locomotor skill list
Cognitive Teaching Strategy: Practice each locomotor movement
Extending/Refining Activity: Play a game that use the locomotor movements
Summarizing Strategy: Line up using your favorite locomotor movement.
Assignment or Assessment: Teacher observation and student participation
1st – 2nd Grade
Day 1
QCC obj. and Essential Question: 1:1,4,5,9,11,12 2:1,5,10,11 NS: 1
What are the expectations in PE and What do we learn about in PE?
Activating Strategy: Read ABC’s of PE Book
Cognitive Teaching Strategy: Create a movement for each letter of the alphabet from the book
Extending/Refining Activity: Put together the movement and the book/ABC’s
Summarizing Strategy: Ticket to Leave – Which letter and movement do you like the best?
Assignment or Assessment: Teacher observation of participation and answer.
Day 2
QCC obj. and Essential Question: 1:1,5,9,11,12 2:1,5,10,11 NS: 1
What are non-locomotor skills that you can do in your personal space?
Activating Strategy: List of Non-Locomotor Skills
Cognitive Teaching Strategy: Practice creating non-locomotor movements
Extending/Refining Activity: Choose three movements and put them together in a non locomotor dance sequence.
Summarizing Strategy: Ticket to Leave – Perform your non-locomotor sequence for the teacher.
Assignment or Assessment: Creation and performance of the sequence
Day 3
QCC obj. and Essential Question: 1:1,4,7,9,11,12 2:1,5,10,11 NS: 1
What are the locomotor skills that you can do around the general space?
Activating Strategy: List of Locomotor skills
Cognitive Teaching Strategy: Practice creating the locomotor movements.
Extending/Refining Activity: Choose three movements and put them together in a Locomotor sequence.
Summarizing Strategy: Ticket to Leave – Perform your locomotor sequence for the teacher.
Assignment or Assessment: Creation and performance of the sequence
3rd Grade
Creating Movement Sequences
Day 1 and 2
QCC obj. and Essential Question: NS: 1
What are the expectations in PE and What do we learn about in PE?
Activating Strategy: Read ABC’s of PE Book
Cognitive Teaching Strategy: Create your own list of ABC movements related to PE working cooperatively with your group.
Extending/Refining Activity: Create movements for your own ABCs and perform them for the class.
Summarizing Strategy: Ticket to Leave – ABC performance
Assignment or Assessment: Performance and cooperation.
Day 3 and 4
QCC obj. and Essential Question:
How do you put together movements to make a dance?
Activating Strategy: List Locomotor and Non Locomotor movements
Cognitive Teaching Strategy: Class writes a sequence (dance) together
Extending/Refining Activity: Students in groups of 3-4 create their own dance in a group.
Summarizing Strategy: Students perform their dance for the class.
Assignment or Assessment: Performance and teamwork.
Day 1
QCC obj. and Essential Question: 1:1,4,5,9,11,12 2:1,5,10,11 NS: 1
What are the expectations in PE and What do we learn about in PE?
Activating Strategy: Read ABC’s of PE Book
Cognitive Teaching Strategy: Create a movement for each letter of the alphabet from the book
Extending/Refining Activity: Put together the movement and the book/ABC’s
Summarizing Strategy: Ticket to Leave – Which letter and movement do you like the best?
Assignment or Assessment: Teacher observation of participation and answer.
Day 2
QCC obj. and Essential Question: 1:1,5,9,11,12 2:1,5,10,11 NS: 1
What are non-locomotor skills that you can do in your personal space?
Activating Strategy: List of Non-Locomotor Skills
Cognitive Teaching Strategy: Practice creating non-locomotor movements
Extending/Refining Activity: Choose three movements and put them together in a non locomotor dance sequence.
Summarizing Strategy: Ticket to Leave – Perform your non-locomotor sequence for the teacher.
Assignment or Assessment: Creation and performance of the sequence
Day 3
QCC obj. and Essential Question: 1:1,4,7,9,11,12 2:1,5,10,11 NS: 1
What are the locomotor skills that you can do around the general space?
Activating Strategy: List of Locomotor skills
Cognitive Teaching Strategy: Practice creating the locomotor movements.
Extending/Refining Activity: Choose three movements and put them together in a Locomotor sequence.
Summarizing Strategy: Ticket to Leave – Perform your locomotor sequence for the teacher.
Assignment or Assessment: Creation and performance of the sequence
3rd Grade
Creating Movement Sequences
Day 1 and 2
QCC obj. and Essential Question: NS: 1
What are the expectations in PE and What do we learn about in PE?
Activating Strategy: Read ABC’s of PE Book
Cognitive Teaching Strategy: Create your own list of ABC movements related to PE working cooperatively with your group.
Extending/Refining Activity: Create movements for your own ABCs and perform them for the class.
Summarizing Strategy: Ticket to Leave – ABC performance
Assignment or Assessment: Performance and cooperation.
Day 3 and 4
QCC obj. and Essential Question:
How do you put together movements to make a dance?
Activating Strategy: List Locomotor and Non Locomotor movements
Cognitive Teaching Strategy: Class writes a sequence (dance) together
Extending/Refining Activity: Students in groups of 3-4 create their own dance in a group.
Summarizing Strategy: Students perform their dance for the class.
Assignment or Assessment: Performance and teamwork.
Example Jump Rope Routine Handouts

Example Year Scope
Physical Education 2007 - 2008 Scope
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, 1st Grade
Space and Body Awareness/Movement
Fitness and Cooperation
Throwing & Catching
Jumping and Jump Rope
Jump Rope Continued
Integrated Fitness Games
2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade
Cooperative Activities
2nd Grade - Intro to Fitness
Fitness/ Testing
Throwing & Catching
Jump Rope
Jump Rope Continued
Fitness Testing
What is the ABC's of PE Book you refer to?